November 5, 2024

Humanity organised a blood donation camp at Ramnagar


HnExpress 16/06/2019, Amrita Sikdar, Ranaghat : Humanity is a trust which was created to serve between poor people. Humanity started on 2017 at the time of Durga Puja with a distribution of clothes named “Ananda Daan”. Humanity has different activities like “Sabar khabar” Which is a meal of rupees 5 for all, “Ahar spondon” Etc.

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Now on 16th June 2019, Humanity organised a Blood Donation Camp, at Ramnagar chowmatha more in Ranaghat, under Nadia district. More or less 50 blood donors attended and donated their bloods. In this blood donation camp, Humanity helped 10 helpless brilliant and willing to study students by giving books and helped according to their need.

This blood donation camp started with a recitation performed by kids. Humanity also organised “‘Sabar khabar”.


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