December 13, 2024

“Death by beating of 16th dogs at Nil Ratan Medical College”

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HnExpress Amrita sikdar, Kolkata : unfortunate incident happened few days back where 16 dogs died by beating at Nil Ratan Medical College. This incident should be investigated without any biasness. On the other hand and Other Side of this incident was why this incident happened which never happened before, according to the report of this accident.

Due to increasing number of dogs in cities, and villages unrestrictedly it is a problem of every sector of people and they were also entered in every Hospital even at in operation theatre which may cause of infection in between the admitted patients at hospital. Editor of a A.H.S.D, of West Bengal has some demands in this regard (1) Hospital premises should be free dogs and cats. (2) All Street dogs and cats are properly vaccinated. (3) Price of vaccination must be controlled by government and which should be reasonable for every class of people.

(4) Due to this incident all doctors, Junior Doctors and nurses who accused unnecessarily government should be taken action against them. (5) students of nil Ratan Medical College who accused they should not be terminated from their study but they should be punished. (6) government should interfere if any kind of undesirable situation arise due to this incident of Nil Ratan Medical College.


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